Raising a Bilingual Child
Episode 37
Benefits of Raising a Child Bilingual
Common Challenges
Different Approaches
Habits and Routines to Develop Language Skills
Supporting Children at School
Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability
Bilingual Monkeys: Ideas and inspiration for raising bilingual kids (without going bananas)
The Bilingual Zoo: A lively online community for parents of bilingual & multilingual kids
Cooperative Games
- Spend time bonding with child
- Can communicate with extended family
- Future professional opportunity
- Social opportunities
- Can pass the language abilities to future generations
Common Challenges
- Parents can underestimate what the challenges are
- Need to provide sufficient language exposure
- When child grows they will hear a lot more of the majority language
- Can be hard to find time to give them adequate language exposure
Different Approaches
- Research study found following results for success rates using different approaches:
- 1) Both parents used only minority language at home had success rate of 96.92
- 2) One parent uses minority language and other parent uses both languages success rate 93.4%
- 3) Both parents use both language 79.18 percent
- 4) One parent uses majority language and other uses minority language 74.2%
- 5) One parent uses both languages and the other uses just majority language 35.70%
- One parent one language can have lower success rate if the minority language parent does not spend enough time with the child speaking the language
- Lack of success acquiring a second language usually result from lack of exposure and lack of need to use the language
- Have to match circumstances to aims
Habits and Routines to Develop Language Skills
- Read to child
- Play games
- Online conversations with websites like italkie
- Can have homestay guests who speak target language
- Au-Pair can live with family
- Older playmates and tutors can engage with child in language weekly
- Find playgroups in target language
- Play music in target languages
- Find wordless picture books - can narrate stories, explore pictures, will work with any language
- Need steady stream of quality resources in target language
- Cooperative Board Games are great for developing language
Supporting Children at School
- Children will learn majority language through exposure and grow quickly
- While they are acquiring the language can receive additional support such as tutor they visit, having time at home when they read in the language they are acquiring
- Giving teachers a list of words in the language they speak at home to help the child in the classroom communicate basic needs
Maximize Your Child's Bilingual Ability
Bilingual Monkeys: Ideas and inspiration for raising bilingual kids (without going bananas)
The Bilingual Zoo: A lively online community for parents of bilingual & multilingual kids
Cooperative Games